We are glad you’re here!

Maybe you found us by accident.

Maybe you are looking to support your employees health and wellbeing while lowering your insurance cost.

Maybe you need help managing a new medical diagnosis.

Maybe you are just tired of constant dieting and rigid food rules.

Whatever brought you to us, we are glad you’re here. Click around, explore, and don’t forget to contact us to schedule a free 15 minute consultation with Malarie!


Here at CO-OP Nutrition Counseling, we believe in developing a positive, flexible relationship with food. We use a collaborative, client-centered approach to help you and/or your team meet your health and wellness goals.

Our mission is to promote positive health behavior practices through evidence-based techniques and individualized support. We work through a non-diet lens to help you find freedom with food and let go of rigid diet rules.

Ready to get started? Fill out our contact form to set up a free 10-minute initial consultation with your Registered Dietitian and Wellness Consultant, Malarie.